
23rd January 2024

Understanding Gen Z Through Market Research

Born through the mid-1990s to early 2010s, Gen Z is making waves in both consumer trends and workforce dynamics, forcing brands and corporations to rethink their game plans.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes Gen Z tick, how they like to communicate, the ways they behave, how they navigate the professional landscape, and what this means for brands and corporations.


Companies that align themselves with Gen Z’s values are in a prime position to earn their loyalty.


Gen Z, having grown up amidst smartphones, social media, and instant access to information, are eager for authenticity, and social responsibility. Gen Z seeks meaningful connections, values diversity, and champions social causes. For market researchers, understanding how these motivations impact their decision making is highly important.

In terms of market research, questions around brand alignment with social causes, sustainability practices, and ethical business conduct can unveil insights that may help shape products and messages that resonate with Gen Z’s unique perspectives.

Communication styles

Often hailed as the first true digital natives, Gen Z’s communication style somewhat mirrors their upbringing. Short-form content and visual platforms like TikTok and Instagram have become the communication channels that they resonate with most. This shift towards visual communication may necessitate a re-evaluation of current advertising methods.

Market research can explore the effectiveness of short-form content, visual storytelling, and interactive marketing campaigns to engage Gen Z.

Also, Gen Z values transparency and directness. For brands looking to build trust, using transparent communication may become a highly effective in connecting with this generation. Market research can allow brands to discover their preferred platforms, content formats, and communication channels, and allow them to make a lasting impact on Gen Z consumers.


Gen Z places a higher value on experiences over possessions, so typically demand unique and shareable moments.

Behavioural patterns

Gen Z have a desire for instant gratification, shorter attention spans, and a preference for personalised experiences, and these can all influence their behavioural patterns. Companies therefore may wish to consider understanding their online shopping habits, factors influencing brand loyalty, and the role of peer influence.

Adapting and creating immersive, personalised, and socially shareable experiences both online and offline, could be highly effective in capturing the attention and loyalty of Gen Z.

At work

As Gen Z takes its place in the workforce, they bring a unique set of expectations and work habits. They prioritise flexibility, diversity, and a healthy work-life balance.

Companies that offer remote work, inclusivity, and continuous learning opportunities stand in good stead to attract this generation.

Gen Z are tech-savvy and like to work collaboratively, making them adept at multitasking and harnessing technology to enhance productivity. For companies hoping to harness Gen Z’s potential in the workplace, fostering a collaborative work environment and integrating cutting-edge tools may be beneficial. Market research can help companies create a culture that aligns with these values.


Adapting marketing strategies

Understanding Gen Z’s way of communicating is important for brands. Crafting marketing messages that align with their values, utilising visual content, and boosting social media platforms can enhance brand engagement.

Embracing social responsibility

Gen Z greatly values corporate social responsibility. Companies that actively contribute to social causes and demonstrate ethical business practices may gain favour with this generation. Market research can help identify the specific causes that resonate most with Gen Z.

Revamping work culture

Organisations that want to attract and retain Gen Z employees may need to rethink their workplace culture. Flexibility, diversity, and continuous learning opportunities should be integral components of the work environment. Market research can provide insights into the most desirable workplace attributes for Gen Z.

Technology integration

Gen Z’s deep-rooted affinity for technology means companies need to stay ahead in terms of innovation. Researching the latest tech trends and understanding how to integrate them into their products, services, and workplace practices may give them a competitive edge.

Building trust through transparency

Trust is something that Gen Z value. Companies that are transparent about their practices may be more likely to earn the trust of this generation. Market research can uncover the specific areas where transparency is most valued by Gen Z consumers.


Brands and companies that understand the intricacies of Gen Z’s mindset as consumers can build lasting connections and thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

In a world where authenticity, social responsibility, and technology integration take centre stage, market research can delve deep into the heart of Gen Z to understand their preferences and priorities.

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