Informing the development of digital health solutions

Chasing the Stigma is a charity with the ambition to revolutionise mental health pathways in the UK. Turquoise was asked to design a market research program for their 'Hub of Hope' mental health signposting platform for young people. They wanted help in testing assumptions around the use of digital solutions and to establish the nuanced needs of a diverse range of young people.

happy young people collaborating


Two, five-day web communities were curated and recruited to be run across two age groups: 11-16 year olds and 17-21 year olds. These were seen as the perfect approach to get maximum engagement from the audience groups given their more informal format. Discussions included user journeys, improvements in UX, privacy, information sources, comparisons with in-person support, personalisation, and community engagement.


We were able to establish young people's general perception around mental health as well as the interest in using apps to support a mental health journey.

Several themes emerged around recognising a need for support through to an exploration phase which may lead to accessing professional help. Market research into competitor platforms turned up some useful comparisons to do with app features, and respondents made a number of suggestions on how best to promote the Hub of Hope to raise awareness. We were also able to incorporate a number of quantitative findings through the use of a survey within the online community.

Our unique approach

The Triple Nexus Model

Whether we are helping charities to understand and predict human behaviour, powering smarter data-driven strategy, or driving organisational change, our unique model helps deliver scientifically superior results.


Know what individuals think, better than they know themselves. Our model uniquely unearths subconscious psychological factors that influence feelings and behaviours.


Our model validates deeper methodological and contextual factors behind the data, not just the data itself, which helps uncover truly relevant insight while minimising noise.


Our unique model allows organisations to accurately predict industry and human behaviour, helping to power genuinely forward-thinking strategy and decision making.

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