Maximising employee satisfaction and retention

Triton is the UK's leading shower brand, proudly manufacturing their product range in Britain. Since 2020, Turquoise has worked with Triton conducting an annual all-staff survey in addition to a workshop and a 'pulse' survey. The driver for this being that Triton know the key to employee satisfaction and retention is gaining deep insight into what drives employee engagement.

Happy people at work


The annual survey is conducted via both email and paper survey with QR codes also displayed around Triton that link employees directly to the survey.


Triton shares the key findings of the survey with all employees using a short video. This summarises the positives, as well as areas for improvement, and informs them what action the business will take to address specific concerns and dissatisfaction.

There has been a positive increase in the number of employees participating and engaging in the surveys due to the transparent nature of how Triton use and communicate the results, and also how proactive they are at addressing issues that are raised.

Our unique approach

The Triple Nexus Model

Whether we are helping manufacturing companies understand and predict customer behaviour, powering smarter data-driven strategy, or driving organisational change, our unique model helps deliver scientifically superior results.


Know what individuals think, better than they know themselves. Our model uniquely unearths subconscious psychological factors that influence human feelings and behaviours.


Our model validates deeper methodological and contextual factors behind the data, not just the data itself, which helps uncover truly relevant insight while minimising noise.


Our unique model allows organisations to accurately predict market and human behaviour, helping to power genuinely forward-thinking strategy and decision making.

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