Research-driven strategic plan development

As part of the development of its new Strategic Plan, RBT wanted to undertake a study into the public awareness, perception and understanding of the charity’s work and to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of its external communication.

The Rochester Bridge Trust (RBT), founded in 1399, owns and maintains the two road bridges and the service bridge at Rochester, crossings which are as important for today’s traffic and modern life as at any time in the Trusts’ history. This service is provided free of charge to the public.

RBT has also contributed toward the cost of many other road crossings of the River Medway. In addition to its core purposes, the Trust provides award-winning civil engineering education services and makes grants for engineering education, research, restoration of historic buildings and projects related to the river. Scholarships are awarded to support the study of engineering and agriculture.


In order to meet the research objectives a quantitative methodology was utilised overall however a number of upfront qualitative depth interviews were conducted first with key stakeholders to help Turquoise get a better understanding of the workings of the Trust in advance of writing the questionnaire.

Upon completion of the depth interviews a quantitative survey was conducted targeting specified postcode areas. A mixture of online panel and on-street surveying was utilised.


The research highlighted that despite the Rochester bridge being the most frequently utilised River Medway crossing and a valued piece of infrastructure there was an obvious lack of appreciation for who keeps the bridge open and maintained and all of the other great things that the Rochester Bridge Trust do.

Utilising this knowledge and with a better understanding of what the general public want the Trust were able to formulate plans to raise the profile of the charity and the great work it does in the Medway area.

Our unique approach

The Triple Nexus Model

Whether we are helping charities like the RBT to understand and predict human behaviour, powering smarter data-driven strategy, or driving organisational change, our unique model helps deliver scientifically superior results.


Know what individuals think, better than they know themselves. Our model uniquely unearths subconscious psychological factors that influence feelings and behaviours.


Our model validates deeper methodological and contextual factors behind the data, not just the data itself, which helps uncover truly relevant insight while minimising noise.


Our unique model allows organisations to accurately predict industry and human behaviour, helping to power genuinely forward-thinking strategy and decision making.

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