Tackling the complexity of removing lead water pipes

Scottish Water aims to remove lead from the public water network by 2045 as part of their strategic plan. Given there is no official record of the location of lead pipes, Scottish Water takes either an opportunistic or customer driven approach to progress with the removal of lead.

Two previous research projects have taken place regarding lead pipes and Scottish Water are now planning a series of pilot lead removal projects. The pilots aim to deliver an understanding of the costs, practicalities, and challenges in conducting lead removals across the agreed groups.

For this particular project, the overarching objective of the research was to understand how Scottish Water can support customers not covered by legislation, to help make Scotland lead free by 2045.


The research project comprised three key components:

  • Online focus groups with the general population aiming to gather qualitative insights on how best to influence the general population who may unknowingly have lead pipes.

  • Depth interviews with customers who proactively contacted Scottish Water about potential lead pipe removal to understand their key motivations and potential barriers to removal.

  • A follow-up quantitative survey with a robust, representative sample of household, future, and business customers across Scotland.


The research confirmed that there was no or low awareness of the likelihood of having lead pipes in homeowners’ or business owners’ properties. Thus, customers need alerting and prompting to it. Turquoise highlighted that a strong call to action campaign will be needed if lead pipes are to be eradicated across Scotland by 2045.

We were able to recommend the most appropriate ‘tone of voice’ to utilise in order to achieve the greatest success with the communication and the key information that customers need to become more educated and proactive around lead pipe replacement.

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