Improving communication and customer impact

Scottish Water partnered with Turquoise to determine the effectiveness of various communication methods used to notify and inform customers of works in their area, as well as to measure the impacts these works have on customers in the vicinity and to establish how their expectations lined up with their experiences.

Capital Works is a large-scale project which means that a large proportion of customers will be in the vicinity of ongoing works.


We have undertaken multiple research projects assessing capital works for Scottish Water including deep dives in certain geographic areas.

For this type of research, we employ a two-pronged approach which combines a quantitative element consisting of on-street and house to house interviews within the area where the capital works are planned, alongside depth interviews to provide greater details of the customer experience. Depending on the project this may be pre works starting, during the works, and post work finishing to give the rounded view of the communications and impact.


Through completing the capital works research, we have been able to evaluate and determine the most effective communication routes enabling Scottish Water to better hone their communication strategies for future projects.

Additionally, through measuring the impact and perceptions of customers we can advise Scottish Water on how best to manage customer expectations for new projects, this not only improves customer perceptions but cultivates trust with Scottish Water as a company they can count on.

Our unique approach

The Triple Nexus Model

Whether we are helping the water industry understand and predict human behaviour, driving smarter data-driven strategy, or driving organisational change, our unique model helps deliver scientifically superior results.


Know what individuals think, better than they know themselves. Our model uniquely unearths subconscious psychological factors that influence feelings and behaviours.


Our model validates deeper methodological and contextual factors behind the data, not just the data itself, which helps uncover truly relevant insight while minimising noise.


Our unique model allows organisations to accurately predict industry and human behaviour, helping to power genuinely forward-thinking strategy and decision making.

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