Using research to improve public spaces and roads

Our work with the Highland Council in Scotland has seen us assist the Infrastructure, Environment and Economy team and the Road Safety team. We were commissioned to gain a better understanding of the people who were using a particular street within Inverness City Centre with the aim of improving this public realm for everyone.

For the Road Safety team, we engaged with residents of a particular road in Inverness where a 20mph limit had been introduced by the council as part of a wider government initiative to promote safer streets.


For both projects we mobilised our experienced Scottish fieldwork team to interview commuters on-street and to visit house-to-house. Interviews were completed in Inverness covering daytime, evenings, weekdays and weekends.


Both projects gave a voice to local people and allowed them to potentially influence key projects. The Highland Council gained a better understanding in terms of people's purpose, mode of transportation and street dwell time with insights helping to inform strategy for their Spaces for People project.

Our unique approach

The Triple Nexus Model

Whether we are helping government organisations understand and predict human behaviour, powering smarter data-driven strategy, or driving organisational change, our unique model helps deliver scientifically superior results.


Know what individuals think, better than they know themselves. Our model uniquely unearths subconscious psychological factors that influence feelings and behaviours.


Our model validates deeper methodological and contextual factors behind the data, not just the data itself, which helps uncover truly relevant insight while minimising noise.


Our unique model allows organisations to accurately predict industry and human behaviour, helping to power genuinely forward-thinking strategy and decision making.

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